

I have been thinking for some time about doing something to my hair. When I was younger, I used to color it all the time and every time it gets to a cut or color that I get complimented on, I would decide to change it. These last couple of years our money situation has changed and I am not able to afford the luxuries I used to and am forced to consider whether or not I really want to do something different. So, the last couple of months I have been seriously considering what it is that I want to do with my hair. I have considered cutting it, but I really do like the length. My other alternative was to color it. With this thought in mind, I have pondered the price, who I wanted to do it, what colors I have been thinking about, and what might look the nicest. I watched What Not to Wear when we lived overseas and remember someone saying if my hair is to dark, as I am getting older, the shadows on my face are more pronounced. With this fact in the back of my mind, I thought about just getting highlights and lightening it. This will be more costly long term though because the roots have to be maintained to look nice. AHHHHHHH, the choices!

It is with all of this on my mind that I have been commuting to work and listening to the new Passion 2014 CD. Song after song has come on and I have memorized them all, about the great great love of God demonstrated on Calvary a day long ago. It was just this week though that it all really began to steep in my heart, like a tea bag in a hot cup of water. Slowly it continued to penetrate until I heard God speak to me about my hair. The response I received was, "Lisa, do you think I don't know what color looks nicest and most flattering on you? Do you think that MY coloring technique and style lacks training and sophistication? Each night as you sleep, I painstakingly put more highlights on the slender strands of hair on your head. I place them strategically and work hard to make sure they are perfectly done." I had never before considered God as my hairdresser. But as I considered this response, the Holy Spirit brought a couple of Scriptures to mind, with the first being:

1.     I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full  well. Ps. 139:14--To be "fearfully" made uses the same word as is used when we are commanded to "fear" the Lord, practice reverence for Him. God reverently made us! He was in AWE at His handiwork, you and me! The same wonder in the eyes of a parent as they first see their new born baby, is the same wonder in His eyes as gazes upon us! With this in mind, I can only imagine the painstaking perfection He would apply when highlighting my hair, with blond, red, gold, silver, gray or white, strand upon strand, night after night.

2.     Next, He brought to mind the Scripture verse, "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12:7--God loves me so much, He never loses count of the number of hairs on my head!!!!!! I see how many are on my pillow when  I wake up each morning. I notice the number of them that accumulate day after day and have to be cleaned out of the drain. And who could miss the number of them that stock up in my hairbrush and have to be cleaned out? Then there are the occasional hairs that drift slowly out of my head, onto my shirt, or lay gently on the car as I get out of the drivers seat, after commuting! With all of that loss, I couldn't keep count of how many hairs are on my head 24/7 and always have an accurate running total!!!! BUT my God does!!!!!!!!!!!~!

As I reflect upon some of the 1000 gifts I have experienced this week, I find myself thankful for men and women from England, who felt called to be missionaries to this great nation. I find myself thankful for their relationship with Jesus Christ, the passion it compels them to express and share with the world around them, and the marvelous way it opens my heart to hear the sweet expressions of love God whispers to me daily!

I had my hair trimmed this weekend and brought some styling product for it, but have decided to try a new hair dresser, One who I think knows more about me and cares more about how I look than anyone I have ever met. I am trusting God as He colors my hair, in this new season of life <3

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