
True Courage

Psalms 56:3 "What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee."

I remember being a young child and always waking up in the middle of the night because I wanted a drink. After a few years of this, my mom and dad got tired of waking up to bring me a drink. I remember being 8 or so and my mother telling me I was old enough to go down to the kitchen and pour myself a drink. We lived in military housing, and our home was two stories. To get to the kitchen. I had to descend a short flight of stairs, go across a short landing, and then descend another short flight of stairs. Once I finished descending the first short flight of stairs, I could see down into the living room, and as I faced down the last flight and prepared to descend, I could see the hallway and the kitchen entrance across the hallway. Of course, everything was shrouded in complete darkness, and linked so black I couldn't see my hand in front of my face; that was even with the hall light on at the top of the stair case. I would standing on the landing, with the upstairs hall light behind me and the darkness before me, so thirsty I could taste the cold juice in my mouth. Terrified, I would remain frozen for a long time before I would take the plunge and sprint down the remaining stairs, into the darkness, dashing across the hall space, hurtling into the kitchen and fumbling for the light switch. There was really only one thing making those mad sprints possible! My mother had taught me a simple bible verse and told me that it would help me, it would give me the courage to do what I was frozen and terrified of doing, "Psalms 56:3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee Psalms 56:3!" That was my mantra, and the chant that poured out of my mouth as I faced the unknown. Over the years, there were times in my life when even that refrain was to much and it was the simple name "JESUS" giving me courage to press through my fear. Looking back, I can see how I thought the presence of courage would surely mean the absence of fear, but over the years I have learned that is not true at all.

Scripture has two primary words used for courage " 'amats" and "chazak". Both words are primitive root words, with no other origin. The first used in Scripture was used 12 times meaning "to strengthen". Other definitions from that root meant to be alert, to secure, to be bold, to persist in, to be determined, and to confirm oneself. The other word, chazak, was translated 48 times meaning to be strong, 47 times to repair, and 37 times to hold. In all of this, I have often heard and felt the Lord minister and speak to me true courage was not the absence of fear, but rather the trusting of Him to do exactly what He says He will do. To rely upon His strength to carry me. To allow His presence to surround me. To know He will never leave me, nor forsake me, and there is NOTHING He cannot do! The act of courage is done in the face of fear, and it strengthens my faith in God, and my relationship with Him. The act of courage is done in the face of fear, and displays a boldness, persistence, and determination as I enter His throne room for mercy in my time of need, confirming my love for Him and relationship with Him. It is the act of obedience in which I am repaired, as I hold fast to Him. Those mad dash sprints into the darkest rooms in the midnight hours prepared me to step out in faith and hold fast to unfailing love, but most importantly as He holds me fast in His unfailing love.

I am in absolute awe that You are the God of Angel Armies! I am absolutely humbled and amazed that You are on my side!!!!! You are faithful my God, faithful my King! Minister Your grace and mercy, Your amazing love, and faithful strength in each of our lives. May Your name be the refuge into which we run. May we know You as the shield around us and the lifter of our heads. May we know You as the God who has gone before us, who stands behind us, and who is always at our side. You are great and glorious my God! Let Your presence be the shadow in which we are hidden, as we remember Your great victory over sin and death, and rejoice in the wonder of the cross. Thank You for carrying us through the yesterdays, standing beside us through today, and going before us to make the crooked places straight, in which You will lead us tomorrow. Now, may we find rest, and comfort, as we are refreshed as the still waters and the green pastures with You. In Jesus' name, amen <3

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